Presentation of I&II&I is a company created to satisfy the different sociocultural and economic necessities of the MiPyMES and innovative independent. -I & I offers different types of services in order to each potential client or client, he/she can find one that adapts to its necessities. -I & I toasts to you, him more complete package of services, those that are offered quickly, dependability and responsibility, being the only one that offers a package so complete of services. -It is at the present time of vital importance and in the future to have present to I &I because the countries have already begun, a legal alignment as regards industrial and intellectual protection, it through international treaties that possess bigger force that the own laws of each Nation. -The innovators, entrepreneurs, managers, in what refers to industrial and intellectual property, in 94% don't possess information some, 6 scarce%, it takes it to make errors that can derive in the worst result. -To use I &I'S services will allow him to avoid problems and to use their resources better, with lost minor of time and cost. -It is for it that should keep in mind toI &I before carrying out an innovation or emprendimiento, since in all there is intellectual activity, don't forget that it is it a property, don't allow that others take out fruits of their effort. -
Clients' comments in surveys made por I & I:
Adrián Ferreira: Excellent quality of service, the scarce problems that I had were solved in a minimum time. - The best thing in services for innovative. -
Mario Ferrer: it is something grandiose that exists a service like east for innovators I wait it never disappears, they have offered me other services but I told them that I am more than according with I & I reason why doesn't see the possibility of change at the moment, I am very grateful for all that there is I toss for my. -
Carlos Alcantara: it is the best service that exists, the associations that I visited one another they have not even offered something so complete como I & I . -
J.M. Gomez Machado: responsible, serious services, carried out with ethics, I could observe great knowledge of the topic, regular reception of the publications and immediate reinstatement in the event of not receiving them, the best complete and flexible service, within reach of the innovators. - Humberto Beaches her: quality ,honestidad and ethics in the services that it toasts, at the best market cost, adaptive services that allowed me to give solution to all the problems that were presented. - Procedure of registrations:National or international in: you Mark, invention Patents, Models of utility, Models and industrial Designs, Transfers, Licenses, Contracts, Peritajes, Deposits of intellectual Property. -Other services:folletería design, logoses, videos, pictures, translations to the: German, French, Italian, Portuguese and English and of these to Spanish. - Search of state of the technology, search of marks. -Advice:Legal, technician, practical in areas already mentioned or of the technical type: searches of data, generation of prototypes, As presenting the information to interested,Data of companies, their current state, marketing, microemprendimientos, managerial strategy, I design organizational, quality of services, as improving the sales, as detecting the innovations, mechanics, electricity, constructions, etc. -Publications:Regarding topics of industrial and intellectual, legal property, (national and international laws–treaties to those that Argentina stuck), read publications in this pamphlet. -Documentation generation:for the case that you believe convenient, I & I offers him possibility that it consents to benefit of single documentation, being able to this way you to take to before its step in personal form, also partial: so single deposit, or pursuit. -Who I directs I& I:it is the Mr. Norberto H. Liñares. - Agent of the Industrial Property / it Registers 1111–Granted for the I.N.P.I. (National Institute of the Industrial Property) - Superior Technician in Industrial and Electronic Mechanics - Assistant of Professor of Basquet. -Training:
Constructions, electric, sanitary facilities, gas transmission lines and antennas, microemprendimientos, marketing, managerial strategy, administration juridical accountant, organizational design of the company, administrative administration of the company, quality of services, forms of improving the attention to the client, as improving the competitiveness of the PyMES, appropriate use of Bcos. of data in industrial property, legislation of the industrial property and intellectual. -Author and Editor:Of publications of Industrial Property and Intellectual. -Columnist: generator of articles for entities managers' publications. -Partner founder:Of the A.A.I.I.. -Former. Treasurer:Of the A.A.I. 1993-1997. -Partner:A.A.I.I. 1990-1997. -Acting: Metal Gas - Designer Proyectista / Conarco S.A.–in charge of destructive and not destructive rehearsals–metalográficos / Molinos Río of the production Plata –supervisor / Miluz S.A. - technician / Ciccone Calcográfica–technician / Esimet–in charge of stock and purchases. -Contact information : José Cubas N° 2518 – dto3 – Cp 1419Capital federal - Argentinae-mail: inventosinnovaciones@yahoo.comWeb site: www.inventosinnovaciones.tripod.comTel / Fax: 54 - 011 – 4571 -3770 |
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